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Last Updated 9th October 2018 at 1:18 pm

As Christmas fast approaches (no point burying your head in the sand … there are only four weeks to go!) we have put together a festive quiz to help you and your family work out how best to spend your Christmas this year.

What is your soundtrack to Christmas?

A. The squeaky crunch of fresh snow, the crackle of a log fire and the clink of glasses

B. Squabbling children, snoring grandparents and the incessant beeping of that “must  have” Christmas gift

C. A nonstop loop of festive mixes on the radio

Your Christmas wish list comprises of:

A. A new ski jacket/salopettes/anything winter sports related really!

B. I suspect I will be getting socks ….  again

C. Chocolate, DVDs, chocolate, oh and more chocolate

Any exercise over the festive period?

A. Carving perfect turns on Alpine slopes

B. The obligatory stroll to the pub on Boxing Day

C. A constant over excited jig for the full twelve days of Christmas

My Christmas Eve activities generally involve:

A. Tobogganing with the children before heading back to the chalet for a mince pie and glass of Vin Chaud

B. Rushing out to the local supermarket to fight over the last bag of Brussel Sprouts

C. Gathering with family and friends watching The Snowman on BBC 1

Christmas Dinner is:

A. All prepared for me, ready and waiting for when I get back from my Christmas Day ski

B. A stressfest, involving slaving over a giant turkey, setting off the fire alarm, soggy Yorkshire puddings, and lumpy gravy

C. A family affair, we all wear our Christmas jumpers, sing Christmas songs, and chip in when needed!

After Christmas Dinner I like to:

A. Sit back and relax in a hot tub with views of lights twinkling in the valley below

B. Hit the seemingly never ending pile of washing up

C. Watch back to back Christmas specials on DVD

By the end of the Christmas period I am:

A. Fully relaxed and getting ready to book again for next year!

B. Exhausted, and now I have to go back to work – remind my why they call this a holiday?

C. Tired, but in high spirits, and excited to do it all over again next year! Only 359 sleeps to go!

If you got…

Mostly As – you are our kind of people. Give us a ring now to take advantage of our incredible offers in our catered chalets with in-chalet childcare over the Christmas period.

Mostly Bs – you are a true British Christmas Traditionalist and we won’t try and change you!

Mostly Cs – you wait all year for Christmas and it never disappoints … but could you have even more fun in the mountains?

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